JANET STREET-PORTER: Is it REALLY racist to wonder what colour a child might be? After Scobie’s ludicrous claims, now Beyonce has fallen victim to the hate mob – but why can’t we judge people by their talent, not their skin?

JANET STREET-PORTER: Is it REALLY racist to wonder what colour a child might be? After

JANET STREET-PORTER: For Beyonce, nothing is left to chance, she is a marketing genius, an icon and inspiration to girls of all colours and backgrounds. But in the modern world, whatever skin colour you have - whether by birth or design using makeup - there's a big chance you will offend someone if you dare to dress it up. Soon, social media was teeming with complaints that the singer had somehow betrayed her heritage, lightened her skin and 'wanted to be white'. Worse, was she a black version of Elsa from Disney's Frozen?



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